Morning and evening walks on a long break

One of the benefits of being a uni language teacher is we have about 2 months of long spring break. We still need to prepare for the next academic year and some may do research, but we do not need to go to work to teach in class. This gives us the freedom to enjoy things we could not do during a semester. But there is a pitfall: you might get into an unhealthy lifestyle. 

It would be counterproductive to stress ourselves out to stay healthy. Yet, some strategies might be needed to keep certain healthy habits and lifestyles. Otherwise, we would feel awful at the beginning of a new academic year. What we want is to refresh and reenergize ourselves to do our best. 

Here is a suggestion: Morning or evening walk (or both if you are up to it) Morning walks have some benefits: 

  • Boost your stamina and energy. 
  • Improve your mood. 
  • Increase your productivity. 
  • Improve your posture and core muscles.
  • Manage your weight. 
  • Reduce your risk for disease. 
  • Strengthen your bones.
Evening walks can be more restorative and gentle. We can reflect on and appreciate the day we had. A little gentle walk would make you sleep better. It is said that it can also boost your immune system and above all, it would get the blues away. 

I am gonna start both walks on the first day of my break. Happy walking!


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